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Data analysis & spreadsheets

Excel formula generator & data analysis

Formula Bot

Formula Bot is an AI data analyst tool designed to streamline data analysis tasks in Excel. It combines AI-powered features for formula generation, data preparation, and analysis.

The Formula Generator produces AI-generated formulas and explanations for smarter and faster data analytics. Additional features like Scripts, Basic Tasks, Regex, Spreadsheet Maker, and SQL cater to various data manipulation needs.

The Data Analyzer feature lets users upload data, ask questions, and receive insights and recommendations efficiently. It integrates AI capabilities into Excel and Google Sheets, allowing task automation through predefined functions or natural language commands.

Trusted by Fortune 500 companies and small to medium-sized businesses, Formula Bot offers a free plan with all features and a Pro plan for additional capabilities. The tool includes fraud detection measures for security.

Formula Bot revolutionizes data and spreadsheet work by providing a comprehensive solution for automating tasks and gaining insights, making it a valuable tool for enhancing efficiency and productivity in data analysis workflows.


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