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UX/UI & no-code web

Enhanced User Experience

Page Canary

Page Canary, an AI-powered bot, is revolutionizing website quality assurance by identifying critical functionality problems for website owners. Offering over 10 custom web page audits, including SSL certificates, authority, security, and accessibility checks, the tool employs techniques typically used by large companies but makes them accessible to everyone.

With a track record of monitoring over 1,000 websites and identifying 10,000 defects, Page Canary is a cost-effective solution, saving over $100,000 in people hours. Beyond SSL, authority, security, and accessibility, it checks all links on a page and runs various audits to align with website goals. Compatible with platforms like Shopify, Square, and Squarespace, Page Canary provides persistent monitoring, sending alerts to owners before users notice any issues.

Backed by a money-back guarantee, 24/7 uptime, and email support, Page Canary offers a user-friendly experience with a $5/month pricing plan and a free trial option. This tool is a valuable asset for website owners aiming to ensure proper website functionality, detect issues proactively, and enhance user satisfaction and retention.


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