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Code generation

AI RESTAPIs with Nest.js & Swagger


AI-Powered Code Generation: Embrace the future of development with our cutting-edge AI technology. It interprets your requirements and generates production-ready code with unparalleled precision.
Nest.js Framework Integration: Leverage the power of Nest.js, the progressive Node.js framework, to construct scalable and maintainable applications effortlessly.
Seamless TypeORM SQL Database Support: Whether your database preference is MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, or any other TypeORM-compatible option, our AI smoothly generates the code you need.
Advanced Auth Module with Email Integration: Building authentication is a breeze with our pre-built Auth Module. Email integration simplifies verification and password recovery, saving you valuable development time.
Swagger API Documentation: Bid farewell to the manual API documentation struggle. Our platform automates the creation of comprehensive Swagger documentation, enhancing the understanding and sharing of your APIs.


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